COACH AZ 509-838-1887 Tools to Lead, Collaborate, Succeed

Working with Alison:


I value the feedback of clients and their perspective on the work we do together. To respect privacy and confidentiality, clients are either identified by initials or not at all.

"When the pupil is ready, the teacher will come." (Chinese Proverb) Alison entered my life at a very confusing and scary time. I knew I needed a change, but didn’t know to what. It was worse than teenage angst because the fear and doubts and uncertainty were accompanied by the obligations and duties of adulthood. Alison helped me sift through the issues. She taught me techniques to look inside and discover what was really important to me. She also showed me the importance of slowing down and taking care of myself. After 22 years of living in a fast-paced corporate environment, doing what needed to be done, I finally got off the wheel! I am focusing on living by my values and am loving every minute of my life now.

— L M, Special Events Consultant

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